
Prof H.C.Ningegowda

Qualification: M.A (Economics)
Designation: Asst. Professor of Economics
Working experience: 23 years
Email: ningegowdahcn@gmail.com



Details of Academic Performance:

  1. Senior Supervisor External: Rajive Gandi Law College, Bangalore, 2013 and 2016
  2. Examiner for Paper Setting: KSLU-2015 and 2017
  3. Evaluation for Economics : KSLU

Details of Workshops/ Conferences/Seminars/ Symposium attended

  1. Attended one day Workshop on “Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation” organized by Eco-Club of Vidyavardhaka Law College in association with Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Ltd. Government of Karnataka, held on 30th November 2017 at Moot Court Hall, Vidyavardhaka Law College, Sheshadri Iyer Road, Mysore.
  2. Attended “One Day Training Programme on Human Rights” organized by Vidyavardhaka Law College in association with NHRC, New Delhi, held on 31st October 2015 at Vidyavardhaka Law College, Sheshadri Iyer Road, Mysore
  3. Attended the State level seminar on “Law relating to land acquisition- Issues and Challenges” organized by Vidyavardhaka Law College Mysore in association with KILPAR, Bangaluru, held on 16th may 2015 at Vidyavardhaka Law College, Sheshadri Iyer Road, Mysore.
  4. Attended K. Puttaswamy Memorial State Level Debate Competition on “Is Reduction of age from 18 to 16 years of Juvenile Offender will bring down  the crime rate considerably?” held on 11th may 2013 at Vidyavardhaka Law College, Sheshadri Iyer Road, Mysore.