Service and facilities offered
- Web OPAC: Users can search through the WEBOPAC to check availability of collection.
- Book borrowing and referencing service: This service allows users to borrow books from the library’s collection for a specified period
- Digital Information Resources Center: This center likely offers access to digital resources such as e-books, online journals, databases, and other electronic materials for academic and study purposes.
- Access to N-LIST databases: N-LIST is a consortium initiated by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, providing access to e-resources to colleges and universities. This service likely grants user’s access to a wide range of scholarly
databases and electronic resources. - Book Bank facility: A Book Bank typically offers textbooks and reference materials on loan to students for the duration of their academic semester.
- Reference service: Librarians or library staffs provides assistance to users in finding information, and navigating library resources effectively.
- Question paper bank: This service provides access to past exam papers, allowing students to review previous years’ questions to prepare for upcoming exams.
- Orientation: Library orientations are sessions conducted for new users to familiarize them with library facilities, services, and resources available to support their academic pursuits.
- Book exhibition and new arrivals display: This involves showcasing new acquisitions and featured books to encourage users to explore and borrow materials from the library’s collection.
- Book Recommendation form for Faculty
- Book Recommendation form for Student