Best Practice1

  1. Title of the Practice: “Mooting arte” The Art of Mooting
  2. Objectives: The success in legal profession is achieved only when one knows to argue well and write well. 

The mooting arte aims to enhance the mooting skill amongst the students and prepare them for the future prospects of court proceedings.

The objective is to-

  • Provide students an opportunity to improve their oral and writing skills 
  • Solving problems through intense research
  • To enhance the knowledge of law and practical learning.
  • To enhance student’s communication, language, leadership, drafting and organizing skills. 
  1. The Context:

Clinical Courses are designed by the Karnataka State Law University and they are the integral part of legal education system. The art of mooting strives to enhance the professional and communication skills of students.

Through moot court activity various essential skills are inculcated in the young budding lawyers and it teaches students to think legally which is fundamental to practice law and also a necessary element in dispensation of justice. Learning to draft a legal document in regional and English language becomes essential when once they start to practice. In this regard ‘learn to write’ involves not only improving their writing skill but to frame question and answer them in both the languages. 

  1. The Practice: The College has constituted moot court committee comprising faculty and student members. It aims to train the students in the art of mooting. The purpose of the committee is to facilitate and regulate the mooting activities in the college. This aims to harbor research interest, mold and sharpen the techniques of communication and their drafting skills. 

Every year the committee plans to conduct and send moot court teams to various State/National level moot court competitions. The college provides monetary support to the teams participating in the competitions by paying registration fee, transportation charges, documentation, food and other relevant charges. 

College organizes moot problem drafting competition, inter-class trial advocacy, inter- class moot court competition and inter-class client counseling competition, mock parliament (Model United Nations). These activities have always extended positive impact on students by giving them exposure to ground realities and thereby improving their advocacy skills. Through these competitions students are trained to draft, refer case-laws, present their arguments and follow the court courtesies. This has also improved their research skill which is the base to start legal profession. The teams which excel in these competitions at college are sent to participate in the State/ National level moot court competitions. 

The college also gives importance to clinical courses which are the part of regular academic subjects like Professional ethics, Alternate Dispute Resolution, Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing along with moot court activities. Final year students should compulsorily visit advocate’s chamber, prepare reports of cases, client interview and also regularly visit regular courts, consumer forum and industrial tribunal/courtto observe court proceedings which is helpful to the students to develop their argumentative and presentation skills. 

  1. Evidence of Success:‘A good practice is the key to success’. It is the best of all instructors. By giving exposure to students through various moot court activities, a positive change in the overall personality of students is observed. Students have regularly participated in various State/National Level Law Fest; Moot Court Competitions organized by other institutions and have given their best performance thereby enhancing our college’s identity. In the last five years the rate of students participating in the moot court activities has enhanced and few instances where they have excelled are-


  • On 5th – 7th April 2019 KLE Society’s Law College, Chikkodi had organized Kannada Moot Court Competition. Ms Deepika.N, Shilpashree and Baby Keerthana had participated in the event and were placed as Winners in the competition.
  • Ms. ShravyaSagar won 1st Prize in Judgment writing Competition at National Level Moot Court Competition organized by VaikuntaBaliga Law College on 5th – 6th April 2019.


  • On 23rd& 24th November 2019 Devanand, Shashank and TejaswiniHegde participated in 7th Kannada Moot Court Competition organized by KSLU, Hubballi and secured first place in the event. They secured best memorial and Devanand secured best male advocate prize. 
  • Our college student Mohammed Ameen secured Best Researcher Award in Second All India Moot Court Competition organized by Vivekananda Law College, Puttur on 21st -23rd February 2020.


  • On 10th to 11th July 2021 Karnataka State Law University had organized State Level 8th Kannada Moot Court Competition (online). Our college students Devanand.N ,Shashank H.S of Final Year B.A,LL.B and Baby Keerthana of Final Year LL.B 3years participated in the event. The team qualified for quarter final rounds.
  • On 8th to 11th July 2021 BMS Law College, Bangalore had organized BM Sreenivasaiah Memorial 6th National Moot Court Competition (Online). Our college students SharavyaSagar, Sharon Jenifer of Final Year B.A, LL.B and Varshini N of IVth Year B.A, LL.B participated in the event. The team qualified for quarter final rounds.


  • From 7th -9th April 2022 VBCL, Udupi had organized Advocate P. ShivajiShetty memorial 6thNational Moot Court Competition. From our college Varshini.M, Final year B.A,LL.B, Maheshwari.M, IVth Year B.A,LL.B, AnusheFathimaIInd year B.A,LL.B student participated and were placed as Runners Up in the event with cash prize of Rs 15000/-
  • On 12th – 14th August 2022 LexUltima was organized by SDM Law College, M’lore. Our college students Gokul H.R, Gowravashree from IVth B.A,LL.B and Vikas.K from IInd B.A,LL.B and Vibhali from Ist B.A,LL.B (5yrs) participated in the event. Gokul H.R, Gowravashree secured First Place in Client Counseling Competition.
  • On 20th& 21st August 2022 KSLU International Law Moot Competition was organized. Our college students Varshini.M, Vth B.A,LL.B (5yrs), Maheshwari M IVth B.A,LL.B (5yrs), SajinIIIrd B.A,LL.B (5yrs) participated in the event. Maheshwari M secured Best Lady Advocate Award in this event.


  • On 5th, 6th & 22nd July 2023 Sheshadripuram Law College had organized 5th National Level Moot Court Competition. Our college students Gokul H.R VthB.A,LL.b (5yrs), SajinIVth B.A,LL.B (5yrs) and Varun Raj IInd LL.B (3yrs) had participated in the event and were qualified for Semifinal rounds. Varun Raj secured best researcher award with cash prize of Rs 5000/- in this event. 
  • On 10th -12th August 2023 SDM Law College had organized LexUltima competition 2023. Our college studentsGokul H.R Vth B.A,LL.B (5yrs) , Gowravashree V B.A,LL.B (5yrs), Vikas K IV B.A,LL.B (5yrs) and Vibhali S Raj II nd LL.B 95yrs) had participated in the event.Gokul H.R Vth B.A,LL.B (5yrs) , Gowravashree V B.A,LL.B (5yrs) secured First place in All in All advocacy. 


  • On 27th July 2024 Monith M, Manu K.B, Anil Kumar of 3 years LL.B Final year participated in KannadaMoot Court Competition organized by Saraswathi Law College, Chithradurga and were placed as winners in the competition. 
  • From 26th to 28th July 2024 SDM Law College, Mangalore organized Lex Ultima competition. Our students Varun Raj, Adithi R from 3 years LL.B final year, Justin James from IIIrd B.A,LL.B ; Charumathi Sadashy from Ist B.A,LL.B (5yrs) participated in this event. Charumathi Sasashy and Justin James were placed as Runners in Legal Opinion Competition. 
  1. Problems Encountered and Resources Required:

Good practice always encounter with various hidden constraints’. But some of the noticeable constraints are-

Motivating the students– most of the rural students lack exposure even at the primary level and in this regard it is herculean task to motivate them to come forward and participate in moot court activities. 

Paucity of Time: Students are unable to completely devote their time for preparation due to other academic activities.

Proper resources– limited access to National/ International Journals/ books have made students to be reluctant to take up the task. 

Knowledge of various subjects– students lack knowledge on various subjects since they are not part of their curriculum. The coordinator and other faculty members have to spend extra time with the teams preparing for competitions. 

Further to boost the confidence in students, the objectives of moot court committee, its functions and the outcome of taking part in such activity are regularly explained to the students through meetings and training programmes organized. Senior students who have experience in mooting motivate them by sharing their experiences, giving tips for preparation and research. This has eventually motivated students and has also created interest in them to participate in the competitions.