NSS Report
National Service Scheme (NSS) Cell, Vidyavardhaka Law College had organized one week special camp between 2nd May – 8th May 2017 at Hoskote Village, Yelwala Hobli, Mysuru.
The main objective of the camp is-
- To bring an interface with village community,
- To bring a rapport with community members and develop understanding of village keeping in view of village adoption and
- To develop long term institutional relation with the community and contribution to the development of people therein.
The Coordinator of the NSS Cell, Sri. H.S Shivakumar, Asst Professor, Vidyavardhaka Law College and Sri. M Krishnegowda, Physical Education Director & Member, NSS Cell visited the village on 20th April 2017 and discussed about the plan of organizing NSS special camp with village head and representatives of different union at village. The plan and utility was appreciated by them. Thus with the consent of all, a weeklong programme was planned and organized as follows-
- On 2nd May 2017, a meeting with village leaders followed by inaugural function was held. The camp was inaugurated by Sri. G.T Devegowda, MLA Chamundeshwari Constituency, Presided by Sri. Gundappagowda, Hon’ble President, Vidyavardhaka Sangha, Mysuru. Sri. Lakshminarayana, Treasurer, Vidyavardhaka Sangha, Mysuru and other village leaders were present. Later, student volunteers were divided into different groups and were assigned with various tasks.
- On 3rd May 2017, a visit to village for creating awareness about the programme was held. The evening programme was inaugurated by Sri. Nagalingegowda, President of Gramaranga Samskruthika Vedike, Pandavapura, Presided by Sri. Nanjundaswamy and other village leaders were present. In this occasion Sri. Prashanth T.M, Asst Professor, Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysuru gave a special lecture on ‘Right to Information Act, 2005’.
- On 4th May 2017, student volunteers visited school and anganwadi and also met the representatives of different union of village. The evening programme was inaugurated by Sri. Mohan Kumar. N, Asst Professor, Vidyavardhaka First Grade College, Mysuru, Presided by Sri. Manju. J, Asst Professor, Vidyavardhaka First Grade College, Mysuru. Sri. Aravinda, Asst Professor, Vidyavardhaka First Grade College, Mysuru was also present. In this occasion Sri. S.B Boregowda, Asst Professor, Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysuru gave a special lecture on ‘Women and Law’.
- On 5th May 2017, student volunteers visited all houses at village to identify pending cases in different courts. The evening programme was inaugurated by Sri. M.C Rajesh, Asst Professor, Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysuru, Presided over by Sri. Venkatesh, Asst Professor, Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysuru. In this occasion Sri. B.P Mahesh, Asst Professor, JSS Law college, Mysuru gave a special lecture on ‘Consumer Rights’.
- On 6th May 2017, Legal Aid and Legal Literacy programme in association with District Legal Service Authority, Mysuru and Women & Child Welfare Department, Mysuru was organized. The programme was inaugurated by Sri. R. Dharmasena,MLC, Mysuru and Chamarajanagara Local Body Constituency, Mysuru; Presided by Sri. Gundappagowda, Hon’ble President, Vidyavardhaka Sangha, Mysuru, Chief Guest Sri. Mohammed Mujeerulla, Member Secretary, District Legal Service Authority, Smt. Radha.K , Deputy Director, Women & Child Welfare Department, Mysuru and other invitees Sri. M. Satyanarayana, Ex MLA of Chamundeshwari Cionstitutency, Sri. Arunkumar, Member of Zilla Panchayat,Mysuru; Sri. Lakshminarayana, Treasurer, Vidyavardhaka Sangha, Mysuru; Members of Stri Shakthi Sangha;Teaching, Non-teaching faculties of Vidyavardhaka Law College and other village leaders were present.
In this occasion Sri. Mohammed Mujeerulla, Member Secretary, District Legal Service Authority spoke on services available to common people under District Legal Aid and Service Authority and also explained its functions. Smt. Radha K, Deputy Director, Women & Child Welfare Department, Mysuru spoke on Role of Women and Child Welfare Department in providing protection to Women & Child.
On 7th May 2017, planting trees in and around school and hospital was taken up by volunteers. The evening programme was inaugurated by Sri.Prabhakar, Administrative officer, Vidyavardhaka Sangha, Mysuru, Presided by Sri. Kumara N.J, Asst Professor, Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysuru. In this occasion Dr. T.R Maruthi, Associate Professor, Department of Studies in Law, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri gave a special lecture on ‘Human Rights’. - On 8th May 2017, weeklong camp concluded with Valedictory Function. The valedictory address was delivered by Sri. K.B Vasudeva, Principal, Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysuru and a vote of Thanks was rendered by the Coordinator Sri. H.S Shvakumar.