Legal Aid and Legal Literacy Cell

The Legal Aid Committee is constituted with the objective of promoting access to justice by rendering legal assistance to disadvantaged and downtrodden people. It functions within the college campus to deliver community legal education to improve awareness of the law and provide legal aid.

Legal Aid & Legal Literacy Committee Members

Sl.No. Name Designation Position held
01 Dr. P.Deepu Principal Chairperson
02 Sri.H.S.Shivakumara Assistant Professor Coordinator
03 Dr. Kumara N.J Assistant Professor Member
04 Ms Soundarya Assistant Professor Member
05 Mr Shashank H.G Assistant Professor Member

“The State shall secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice, on a basis of equal opportunity, and shall, in particular, provide free legal aid, by suitable legislation or schemes or in any other way, to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities” -Article 39-A of the Constitution of India.


  • Keeping the tenets of the Constitution in mind, the Legal Aid and Literacy Cell seeks to ensure dissemination of justice equally among all sections of the society.
  • It seeks to promote free legal aid so that those who may be at a disadvantage end may be able to access courts and justice on equal terms with the more fortunate.
  • It is for the promotion of equal access to justice that the has been endowed with the mandate to open and run legal aid cell.
  • The institution through organizing various programmmes promote legal awareness throughout Mysuru District including VillagesĀ  and take up the task of inculcating social responsibility which will lead to the realization of goals embodied in the Constitution of India.
  • Legal Aid Cell not only serves the society, it also provides students with innumerable opportunities to hone their skills in law, informs them of the challenges in the profession and gives them opportunity to serve people who are in most dire need of their knowledge and skills.