NSS Report

National Service Scheme (NSS) Cell, Vidyavardhaka Law College had organized one week special camp between 2nd May – 8th May 2017 at Hoskote Village, Yelwala Hobli, Mysuru. The main objective of the camp is- To bring an interface with village community, To bring a rapport with community members and develop understanding of village keeping in view of village adoption and To developRead More…

Inauguration of ECO Club

Eco Club is a platform to gain knowledge about environment, Eco Club in a group which works to contribute for improving environment and offers various programmes & activities to encourage students to involve in environmental protection and create awareness about environment in the community.   Eco Club Members Sl.No  Name  Designation  Position held 01  Dr.P.Deepu  PRead More…

Special Lecture on Human Rights

A special lecture was organized on 27th April 2017. Dr. T.R. Maruthi, Associate Professor, Department of studies in Law was present and spoke on “Recent Developments in Human Rights.” Addressing the students he mentioned about various rights present in the United Declaration of Human Rights and also Indian Constitution. He also highlighted about various rights which are justiciable and non- juRead More…

Dr. B.R Ambedkar Jayanthi Celebration

Dr. B.R Ambedkar Jayanthi was celebrated on 18th April 2017. Dr. Ramesh, Chairman, DOS in Law spoke on” Role of Dr. Ambedkar in Indian Constitution”. Addressing the students he said Ambedkar was appointed as the chairman of the constitution drafting committee on August 29, 1947. He believed that the gap between different classes was important to equalize, otherwise it will be very difficult to maiRead More…

Law Day Celebration

On November 26th 2016 Constitution Day was celebrated. Sri Sudindranath, IInd Addl District & Session Judge, Prof. (Dr) M.K Ramesh, Sri. Mohammed Mujerulla and management members were present. Speaking in this occasion Hon’ble judge mentioned about importance of law of the land and that it is the base for every law. Prof M.K Ramesh spoke on the Fundamental rights and Directive PrinciplesRead More…

Kannada Rajyothsava Celebration

On 05-11-2016 Kannada Rajyotsava was celebrated in our College. Dr Taranath, Professor of Kuvempu Kannada Adhyayana Samsthe, University of Mysuru inaugurated the occasion. Speaking in this occasion he said that Kannada language should be made compulsory at primary education level and also at higher education. He highlighted about various writers and poets who have contributed their work for keepRead More…

Report on Vigilance Awarness

On 4th Nov 2016 ‘Vigilance Awareness Week’ was organized by IOB, Mysore Main branch on “Public Participation in Promoting Integrity and Eradicating Corruption Programme”. Sri. Sudaresha Rao AN, Chief Manager Yadvgiri welcome the gathering. The programme was inaugurated by Mr. Rangaswamy, Retd DY.SP, Mysuru, who spoke on prevention of corruption and its effects. He inspired the gathering byRead More…

Model United Nations Conference

Sri. Vijay Kumar Pawle, VI th Addtl District and Sessions Judge, Mysuru inaugurated the Model United Nations Conference. Dr. T.R Maruthi, Associate Professor delivered a key note address. Sri.Gudappagowda, President Vidyavardhaka Sangha; Sri. Lakshminarayana, Treasurer, Vidyavardhaka Sangha; Sri. K.B Vasudeva, Principal, Vidyavardhka Law College, Mr. Syed Kudhrath, Secratory General MUN, Mr. AniRead More…

Fresher’s Day

On 27-08-2016 Fresher’s Day was organized. R Chandra Shekar, Member Secretary Karnataka Law Commission inaugurated this occasion. Addressing the students he spoke about importance of legal education in India. He also suggested as to how students should pursue law course and take up practice of law.Read More…