Youth Red Cross Committee

The Youth Red Cross Committee is constituted to regulate and supervise the activities and events in the institution.

 Youth Red Cross Committee Members

Sl. No. Name Designation Position held
1.        Dr. Deepu P. Principal Chairperson
2.        Dr. K.L. Chandrashekhara Assistant Professor Coordinator
3.        Sri. S.B. Bore Gowda Assistant Professor Faculty Member
4.        Sri. M.C. Rajesh Assistant Professor Faculty Member
5.        Ms Swathi I.G Vth B.A,LL.B Student Member
6.        Mr Anoop C. Vth B.A,LL.B Student Member


  • To inculcate in the youth of our country:
  • An awareness on the care of their own health and that of others 
  • To make them understand and accept civic responsibilities and act accordingly with humanitarian concern.
  • To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds of youth.
  • To foster better friendly relationship with all without any discrimination.
  • Encourage community service through training and education
  • Disseminate the seven fundamental principles of Red Cross and Red Crescent movement through activities that encourage the Red Cross ideals.
  • Youth Red Cross has the following three principles:
  • Protection of health and life.
  • Service to the sick and suffering
  • Promotion of National and International friendship


  • Organizing programmes for YRC volunteers to enlighten their knowledge in first-aid and rescue steps in emergency.
  • Plan to organize a blood donation camps.
  • Plan to conduct awareness programme on AIDS, COVID-19, Non-communicable disease like diabetes, COPD, etc.,
  • Promotion of health and hygiene.
  • Service to the needy people.
  • Relief work during emergencies like flood, fire and other natural calamities.
  • Encourage community service through training and education.
  • Disseminate the seven fundamental principles of Red Cross.
  • Promote international friendship with activities that cultivate a humanitarian spirit.
  • Technical support in the development of youth programmes, fund-raising, identification of material and human resources,
  • The youth unit aims to have young people recognized by societies leadership as equal partners.