Student Council

The Student Representative Committee

The Student Representatives Committee is constituted to engage the student community on proactive basis. The visionary role of student members facilitates in building efficient and effective committee in particular and thus contributes to the glory of the institution in general.

Student Representative Committee Members

Sl.No Name Designation Position held
o1 Dr. P. Deepu Principal Chairman
02 Dr. K.L Chandrashekara Assistant Professor Coordinator
03 Sri Rajesh M.C Assistant Professor Faculty Member
04 Dr. Boregowda S.B Assistant Professor Faculty Member


The committee play an integral part in assorting various curricular, co- curricular and other extension activities of the college. The activity of the student council commences with the inauguration of college activities and Fresher’s day celebration in the college and further meticulously activates itself in hosting a series of events like seminars, conferences and workshops. Student council exquisitely assisted the college in conduction the interclass moot court competition, trial advocacy etc.


  • The Student Council is part of various student welfare programmes.
  • Recognizing the role of student in the policy making of the college, student members are appointed in various statutory committees such as Anti – Ragging cell, Human rights Committee etc. and other academic committees of the institution. 
  • Organizing various extension activities like NSS, blood donation camps, awareness programmes etc. 
  • Organizing annual day (valedictory programme)

Annual Day Programme




